Thursday, February 16, 2012

Me, a damn cocksure screenwriter | Me, a writer of movie scripts

I?ve just said no to a producer.

Though he said it was an opportunity of a lifetime.

My gut feeling said no, with a very clear voice.

When he told me what he wanted to do with the script, I felt it was something else completely. It was like he had read my script and saw what he thought it should have been. I?m not against rewriting to fit needs and improve the script, but when the story takes a completely different turn then it is something else. But he still wanted my particular script because it is a third price winner in an international contest, which obviously is something good when you apply for funding.

Then he offered me to be assistant director. The reason for this I don?t know. But I tell you it is not a good choice of words to say that I should not only be a script writer. What?s so ?only? about that? Then he claimed it was not difficult to be a director. I began feeling like a hedgehog. I guess it was not his intention to express himself derogatory, but my ear caught it that way never the less.

Now, I?m not very interested in directing. At least not now at this point in my life.

The question was if I wanted him to do something completely different than I intended with my script. He didn?t offer me a price, but mentioned figures that should have been tempting.

But somehow I got a feeling that he was boasting too much. What he said and what I found on Internet didn?t match.

My gut feeling said no.

I slept on it. Took a walk to clear my mind.

I looked at his work on the web page again. I still wasn?t impressed. I know everybody can?t show me material that make me jump out of my seat, but this was so far from what I look for in a movie that it can possibly get.

Someone might say that I?m way too overconfident if I turn an offer down like this.

It might be so.

A screenwriting guru told me that I should be grateful if someone wants to buy my scripts.

I?m sceptical to this demand to feel grateful.

I see no need to not take pride in my work. To feel grateful that someone wants to buy my work is to me to say that my scripts are not worthy better treatment. I feel grateful if someone passes my name on in a positive manner, I feel grateful if someone links to my blog and say a few nice words about it, but I can?t muster gratefulness because someone wants to buy my scripts. I feel happy and flattered if it goes as far as an actual sell, and excited to see what kind of movie that will come out of it. But obviously I?m not humble enough to feel grateful.

Me, a damn cocksure screenwriter.

Image edited by the writer


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