Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Better Gaming Bureau ? The Fastest Growing Video Game ...

If you?ve played Borderlands 2 for any significant amount of time, you already know that Pandora is a very dangerous place. If a crazed business man isn?t trying to kill you at one moment, a rabid elemental creature definitely will be. But if you thought that the creatures and characters of Pandora were all you had to worry about in the world of Borderlands 2, think again as a new infection being passed around the community is killing off the game?s Xbox 360 and PC population, one Vault Hunter at a time.

if you?ve ever played Borderlands 2 online with strangers, or a friend who has played with strangers, there is an ever increasing chance that your character?s savefile has been infected with what is being called ?Graveyard,? it seems. What is ?Graveyard?, exactly? I?ll let GameFAQs community member and avid Borderlands 2 player Dranaxscas explain it in his own words.

What is graveyard.sav? What does this have to do with me?
When you get hit by the glitch that turns your save into graveyard.sav, upon entering FFYL and then subsequently dying for whatever reason, you will never respawn. You die and go into a free roam camera. If you try to load another character, dashboard, restart your xbox, etc, your save data is completely gone and there is no hope of recovering it at that point, as it is renamed graveyard.sav and is missing the majority of the data it once had.

What?! How did I get this?
The glitch originated with the modding community and may or may not have been accidental. It spread from there, and it passes from the infected player to all other players in the game with said infected player. At this point, it?s a terrible chain, and chances are it passed to you through some randoms.

He goes on to state that it CAN be fixed if you are able to put your save file on a USB drive and send it to one of the many modders who should be able to remove the ?Graveyard? infection and get you back up and running. I personally wouldn?t recommend this, as it could also put your personal info saved on your Xbox or PC in jeopardy.

So what should you do? First of all, check your Borderlands 2 save files on your Xbox 360 or PC. If you see your save file listed as ?GRAVEYARD.SAV?, you?re ****ed and either have to take the risk of sending your file to a modder, or just start a new character now and hope and pray for a patch to come that fixes this later.

The modding community has always been strong in Borderlands 2 despite the game and system?s lack of native support for it. And while mods usually bring us harmless guns that just obliterate everything you shoot with it, this one is the first one to obliterate people?s characters.

Gearbox has yet to release any statement regarding the matter and one has to wonder if they will ever acknowledge it as it is a result of people hacking the game. As stated before, right now it only effects XBox 360 and PC gamers, with no reports of it on the PS3? yet. But if you play Borderlands 2, do yourself a favor and back up any save file you have right now, because you never know when it could hit you. We?ll keep you updated with any new info as it comes.?

Source: http://bgbureau.com/3481/warning-back-up-your-boderlands-2-savefiles-now

21 jump street illinois primary results acapulco mexico hines ward alex smith alex smith robert deniro

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