Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fight off Your Yeast Infection the Natural Way! | Gnet Health and ...

Yeast infections can manifest in a number of different forms, and will affect most of us at some stage in our lives, whether we are male or female.

Commonly the fungus Candida, which exists naturally on and in the body, will cause these infections; Your Candida population is usually kept in check by your immune system, and by bacteria in your body that compete for the same food source. But every now and again, that balance is upset, sometimes by the use of antibiotics that kill your friendly bacteria, sometimes by hormonal changes or the use of other medications; the causes are numerous. Now, the Candida population is able to explode, bringing with it all sort of nasty side effects that aggravate the body wherever it is breeding.

Like all fungus, Candida loves conditions that are warm and moist; so the areas most likely to suffer are the mouth, the genitals, the underarms, or nappy areas. Rarely, but of much greater concern, the infection can spread throughout the body, and cause serious damage to internal organs. People whose immune systems are under stress will find that they become more susceptible to infections.

For women, yeast infections are commonly seen in the form of vaginal thrush, which 75% of all women will suffer from at some point in their life. The symptoms involve itching and burning sensations, coupled with a white discharge. Wearing tight or synthetic clothing around the crotch will worsen vaginal thrush, since it serves to create an even cozier environment for the Candida to breed in!

If this all sounds familiar to you, then you know how demoralizing and inconvenient thrush infections can be. You may also have noticed, if you have suffered recurrently, that over-the-counter fungicides no longer work as well as they used to. This is because if you suffer repeatedly, the fungus can start to breed resistant strains, which can withstand an attack from a fungicide. So what is the next step? Below are some tips on how to overcome your yeast infection when the conventional medications give up!

  1. Try a Homeopathic Remedy!
    Homeopathy uses natural remedies that have been tried and tested over generations of people. They can help ease the uncomfortable symptoms of a yeast infection using natural anesthetics, and when fungicides stop working, they may just come at the Candida like a curve ball! We recommend trying Yeastrol, which is one of the most popular anti-fungal homeopathic remedies available on the market.
  1. Help out your Friendly Intestinal Flora!
    These are the bacteria in your gut that help keep Candida in check. Try eating Probiotic yoghurts, which are packed full of these friendly bacteria.

    If you are suffering from vaginal thrush, you can also try applying the yoghurt directly to the infected areas; messy perhaps, but studies show that it?s effective!

  1. Cut down on Sugars!
    This includes alcohol too! The Candida in your systems feeds off sugars, so every time you eat them, they eat them too. Try cutting back on sugary drinks and foods, and limit your carbohydrate intake.
  1. Wear Cotton Underwear!
    These allow your skin to breathe, and mean the Candida won?t have such warm, moist conditions to breed in. Also, try really hard to minimize the irritation of the infected areas; that means resisting the itch, using un-perfumed bath soaps, and avoiding very hot baths; if the skin is irritated, more Candida will be able to enter the superficial layers of your skin, and your problem will only be exacerbated.
  1. Keep an Eye on Your Condition!
    And get to the doctor if it persists for longer than a week. Not only that, but if you start suffering from a fever or vomiting, abdominal pains, or a severe worsening of your condition, then seek medical help right away.

What People on the Web Say:

I?m So Happy!

When I got pregnant, I was worried my yeast infection treatments would harm my baby. I?m so happy I found an all-natural treatment that?s safe!

? Gina, ?
( ?

Great Results!

I was sick of using messy creams to ease my Yeast Infections. I?m so glad I discovered Yeastrol ? it?s so much easier and just as effective.

? Kelly, ?
( ?

I?m A FIRM BELIEVER In This Stuff!

I started taking Yeastrol while I had yeast infection symptoms. By the 2nd week my infection was gone and by 3 months I noticed that I had no more recurring infections. By the 6th month I was soooo happy that I hadn?t had an infection in 6 months! Now that it?s been an additional 6 months and still no yeast infections; I?m a FIRM BELIEVER in this stuff!!!
Thank you Yeastrol for actually curing my infections!!!!

? Yeastrol Reviewer, ?
( ?

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