Wednesday, March 7, 2012

NJ Property Tax Appeals | 4u-2 Articles

April 15th. Infamous for its connotation of the ?deadline,? this day has long been associated with taxes. But tax payers be aware: there?s another date that everyone, especially homeowners eager to save money on taxes, should remain on the lookout for: April 1st, which marks the deadline for filing a New Jersey property tax appeal.

With the dark cloud comes a silver lining: the meager economy and the real estate collapse of 2008 may have forced the decline of property values in the state of New Jersey, but it also produced one benefit? a homeowner?s ability to appeal his/her taxes due to over-assessed property value. The first step towards some financial relief through a tax appeal: understanding the process.

Step 1: Understand How Your Property Tax is Determined

You know that every quarter, the city sends you a bill prompting you to pay your share of property taxes.

The question is, do you know how they come up with that number? Your town?s taxing authority uses the town?s budget? which includes funding for the service departments, schools, the police department, town maintenance, etc.? to determine how much money the city will need, and through that amount, determine your tax rate. That rate, multiplied by the value at which your property is assessed, produces your tax bill. Hence why your home?s value plays such a vital role in the difference between decent and outrageous when it comes to tax affordability.

Step 2: Make Sure It?s Worth It

The NJ tax appeal process comes with some costs? filing fees, assessment charges, professional consultation fares, etc.? so it?d be a good idea to first make sure the savings is worth the effort. As a preliminary, and unofficial, screening, you can search online for a free tax appeal calculator, which usually applies the current amount of taxes you pay and what you believe the value of your house to be in order to provide you with an estimated price of what the city believes your house is worth. It then employs these numbers, differentiating between the taxes you pay based on the city?s assessment of your house versus what you would pay if taxes were based on the home?s true value, to calculate the amount of money you could be saving should you attempt and win an appeal. For those of you who have trouble finding a calculator that is applicable statewide, try this NJ tax appeal calculator:

Step 3: Make Sure You Qualify

The NJ tax appeal process has its own set of requirements that all appellants must fulfill before they even consider filing? make sure you meet them all to avoid wasting your time and money.

- All property taxes up to Quarter 1 of 2011 must be paid in full.
- Complete the Chapter 91 form, if requested, and return to the city within 45 days of receipt. A Chapter 91 enables assessors to request a report on income producing properties, providing them with access to financial information that will help them make the right assessment on a property.
- Your basis for appealing your current assessment is due to misrepresentation of one of the following standards:?

1. True Market Value, which mandates that all assessments are 100% of what was considered to be True Market Value as of October of the previous year, which in this case would be 2010.

2. Common Level Range, which takes into consideration what happens to home valuations after external factors, like recession, inflation, and depreciation, cause an increase or decrease in rates. Assessments that are not modified annually may deviate from 100% of True Market Value due to these factors. Typically, if your home value falls outside a range of 15% from True Market Value, you have a very good case for appeal. A tax calculator, such as the one mentioned, will tell you this right away.

Step 4: Move Forward

Once you determine that it would be a good move, file for the tax appeal using an A-1 form no later than April 1st. Make sure you have valid reason for the appeal on hand, as made evidence through a formal third party assessment, or through comparables of the value of properties within your neighborhood. Then, take the steps necessary to ensure that you are well-prepared to present you case, as the assessor is always considered right until proven wrong. This is where hiring an experienced tax appeal professional to support your case may be well worth the cost in the end, it can pay for itself many times over through the money you?ll save in taxes.

The New Jersey Legislature adopted a formula called Chapter 123 to test the fairness of an assessment. When compared to the property?s True Market Value, the current assessment must fit within the Common Level Range? should it exceed the range, the assessment must be reduced to common level.

For instance:

Let?s say the Common Level Range falls within 70% -90% of True Market Value. Your home?s True Value is 0,000, and it is currently assessed at ,000. Because ,000 is 95% of 0,000 (,000 ? 0,000), it falls past the maximum percentage within the Common Level Range and must therefore, be reduced.

Remember, the formula works both ways. So let?s say the Common Level Range falls within 70%-90% of True Market Value, and your home?s True Value is 0,000. If it?s currently assessed at ,000, then it is at 65% of True Value (,000? 0,000), and therefore, falls below the Common Level Range. The result: your assessment would be increased.

Step 5: Show Up to the Hearing

Once you file for an appeal, a hearing before the County Tax Board is scheduled. As an individual taxpayer of NJ, you can represent yourself? business entities, with the exception of sole proprietorships, are required to have attorney representation.

If you?re relying on a professional assessment to support your case, a copy of the appraisal report must be provided to the assessor, as well as each County Tax Board member at least seven days prior to the hearing. The appraiser who completed the report must also be available to serve as an expert witness during the hearing. Ifyou choose to utilize comparables to prove your case, the assessor, and all members of the Board, must be supplied with copies of the comparables seven days prior to the hearing, as well.

NJ tax appeal hearings are typically held within three months of the filing deadline. Should you succeed in proving that your current assessment is erroneous, unreasonable, excessive, or discriminatory, and should you be effective in sustaining credible evidence to back your allegations, then you?re well on your way to some much-deserved tax relief.

The preceding material has been provided to you by NJ Tax Appeal. Jeffrey Pacailler is the head of the Valuation Division at RER LLC, one of New Jersey?s premier real estate investment companies. He frequently consults for real estate investors on valuation and strategy in New Jersey real estate. Visit to download your free tax appeal calculator today.

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Tags: appeals, Property


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