Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weight Loss Companies Battle For Men | NBC 4i

Men & Weight Loss (Added: March 26, 2012)

It's not just women facing a battle of the bulge, more men are watching the scale creep up and trying to do something about it. (more)

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Women aren't alone in the battle of the bulge.

"I've always fought my weight. Portion size is a battle; food is plentiful," said Myles Noel who is training for his next marathon at age 61.

The numbers are staggering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of American adults (35.7 percent) are obese.?

The gender that seemed to be immune to the pressures of staying thin is now facing a reality check as they step on the scale. More men are taking their weight loss, health and fitness seriously. And the weight loss companies know it, launching campaigns that revolve around men.

Charles Barkley, former NBA basketball player and current analyst, is the pitchman for Weight Watchers for Men, making claims on the Weight Watchers website that he has lost 40 pounds.

It makes sense that WW would seek a famous athlete to represent their health and wellness program, and many men have joined the WW ranks.

Nutritsystem launched a men's program with Terry Bradshaw's face as the inspiration for weight loss. And Jenny Craig added a men's weight-loss program, calling it "Jenny for Men."?

While there is weight to be lost, there is also money to be made, and these companies understand individual programs targeted specifically to men open up their audience and clients.

"I think it's genius gearing it towards men," said Jennifer Burton, a registered dietitian at McConnell Heart Health Center in Columbus. She says men and women often lose weight differently.

"I think it is different. I definitely say things or suggest things differently for men than for women. Men are very black and white. You give them something to follow and typically they do," said Burton.

At Core Fitness Studio in Upper Arlington, personal trainers say they see more men who want to tone up.

"It's the mid-section. They start to see that gut start to hang over," said Russ Midlam, a personal trainer at Core. Midlam says weight-loss programs can be helpful in offering diet plans, goals, support and accountability.

"It's a huge industry, multi-billion dollar industry and there's a lot of really good programs out there, like the weight watchers programs is a good program. It provides a lot of accountability for people. They can take the guesswork out and have the support there," said Midlam who says having a balance between a healthy diet, cardio and weight training is important to taking off the pounds.

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