Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why Use A Commercial Mortgage Broker? | refinance debt

Value beyond expectations, that?s why.

If you have ever thought about financing a commercial real estate property, the thought of using a commercial mortgage broker may have crossed your mind. However, if you are like some people, you may have debated using a commercial mortgage broker based on the belief that it is more expensive to use a broker rather than go directly to a lender. This common belief is a myth.

The reality is that there are a number of ways in which you can save money by engaging a mortgage broker to provide you assistance with your commercial real estate financing needs and objectives. If you take the time to determine the value of using a commercial mortgage broker you will surely see that it is money well spent.

-Locating a Lender

Locating a lender to fund your commercial mortgage is not as easy as it may seem. Due to the wide range of property types, loan types, and special circumstances a single lender simply cannot offer loan programs for all potential loans. You may waste a considerable amount of time simply trying to find a single lender that offers the program you need. A qualified and experienced mortgage broker will have multiple lender relationships in place who can offer a wide range of lending options. Some brokers may even have relationships in place that give you access to hundreds of lenders offering an unbelievable amount of loan options.

-Risks in working with a single lender

You may spend the time and locate a single lender that can meet your needs, but you are not out of the woods yet. By working with a single lender or bank you are putting all your eggs in one basket as they say. The approval process can take a good deal of time that you may not have. Then what happens if the loan application is not approved by that lender? Can you afford to go through the process a second time risking a similar outcome? By working with a broker, your loan application can be submitted to multiple lenders. This not only increases the chances that your loan will be funded, but it also gives you and your broker more bargaining power to get the best deal.

-Cost Variations Between Lenders

One of the most significant ways in which you can save money by using the services of a commercial mortgage broker rests in the fact that there can be notable differences in the interest rates, costs and other fees charged from one lender to the next. A broker will help you in identifying the most reasonably priced options available from these different mortgage lenders. On first blush the cost differences from one lender to another may seem small. But remember, in most instances we are talking about loans in the millions of dollars. Even if the interest rate difference is minimal on the surface, over time this can add up to a significant amount of money.

-Brokers Specialize

Commercial mortgage brokers, especially the good ones, will often specialize in a certain property or loan type. The added experience provided by a specialist guarantees that they have experience with exactly the loan you are looking to secure. Each and every property type and loan type has its own set of issues and pitfalls so it pays to find a broker that services your individual needs. In comparison, if you have a problem with your plumbing you want a plumber, not a general contractor.

-Inherent Expenses of Searching on Your Own

People tend to forget that when they are devoting time shopping around looking for a commercial mortgage lender ? or anything else for that matter ? it takes you away from other pursuits, including money making pursuits. Therefore, you do need to keep in mind that by engaging the services of a commercial mortgage broker you free up more of your valuable time to engage in other efforts that are more profitable than aimlessly wandering around looking for a mortgage lender.

-Support Services

Another avenue through which a commercial mortgage broker can help you save money is through their existing relationships with other industry professionals. A good commercial mortgage broker has a preassembled network of professionals including appraisers, accountants, lawyers and other service providers that they work with on a regular basis. Not only do you not have to spend the time to find these required resources on your own, but often times you can get a reduced rate on the services due to the brokers existing relationship.

-Fees of Commercial Mortgage Brokers

You need to understand that commercial mortgage brokers appreciate that they are in a very competitive business. Therefore, these professionals are now taking great pains to make their services as affordable as possible. Don?t be afraid to negotiate the broker fee. And don?t be afraid to ask your broker questions regarding how they came up with the fee proposal. The good thing about using a broker is that they do not get paid unless your deal closes.

It is true that in the end, you do pay a fee for utilizing the services of a commercial mortgage broker. These fees can range from half a point to two points on conventional loans up to five or so points on a hard money deal. However, you will find, as many commercial investors have in the past, that working with a commercial broker will help ensure that your needs are met and that you get the best deal in the process. The bottom line is that what you are paying for is a professional on your side, someone to watch out for your best interests. Similar to the way a lawyer protects your interests in legal matters. You wouldn?t go to court without a lawyer, so don?t finance your commercial mortgage without a broker.

Contributed by: Patrick Bedall, General Manager, Metro Productions

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? 2011 Metro Productions

Metro Productions is a full-service video and multimedia production company headquartered in Virginia. Metro Productions? client list includes large and small companies nationwide. Metro Productions provides clients with the ability to realize the benefits of high-end visual media products for the purpose of sales, marketing, recruitment and training. Delivery mediums for these productions include DVD, streaming media and broadcast quality High Definition applications.


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